Blood Spill Cleanup Service: What Is Fogging?

Blood spill cleanup service involves various kinds of tools, resources, and techniques. One of the most reliable cleaning techniques that come in handy for blood spill cleanup service is fogging. Fogging is used mainly for disinfecting a highly contaminated area. This disinfection process makes an area clean and safe after an incident. Cleaning the property using traditional cleaning solutions will do little in remediating the crime scene. Fogging will eliminate infection risks in areas that have been exposed to blood spills.

What is Fogging?

Fogging is the process of disinfecting an area that has been affected by bodily fluids such as blood. Fogging creates micro-droplets of biocides and disinfectants that float in the air a few minutes after it has been dispersed. The droplets floating in the air can reach areas that otherwise would have been difficult for conventional methods to get to.

Fogging has been proven and tested to reduce the risk of infectious pathogens to the bare minimum. It not only kills harmful pathogens on surfaces but also in the air. This is why a blood spill cleanup service provider will always make fogging a part of their treatment routine.

Why Use Disinfectant Fogging?

Cleaning and disinfecting are two different services. Cleaning doesn’t always involve eliminating bacteria and other harmful pathogens. Disinfecting on the other hand is performed to kill harmful contaminants using appropriate chemicals. It’s impossible to disinfect an area without at least cleaning. You can keep your home clean and infection-free if you opt for disinfectant fogging. This is one of the most reliable ways to keep your property clean and safe for use after a violent crime that resulted in blood spills.

Blood spill cleanup service providers perform this disinfection technique by following strict disinfecting guidelines. Still skeptical about fogging? Well, you shouldn’t be as it is one of the approved methods for disinfecting a building by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

There are many benefits of fogging your property. These include

Gets Rid of Harmful Pathogens

Have you been living with viruses and bacteria including the coronavirus in your home? Looking for an effective way to kill germs, viruses, and bacteria? Want to reduce the risk of exposure to infection due to blood spills in your home or workplace? Disinfectant fogging is the solution you seek. Even if your home has been exposed to airborne viruses, rest assured that this cleaning method will eliminate all.

Eliminates Mold and Fungi

Mold can cause allergic reactions and expose your home to series of attacks. Mold and fungi infection makes the home an uncomfortable place to live in. Having these allergens and spores around the home can spell doom for all. Fogging can make your home safe again as it can kill mold spores and allergens.


Fogging can also deodorize a property. It gets rid of certain odors and can leave your home oozing nicely. It is ideal for eliminating lingering odors in the home. Keep your home protected and smelling nice using your disinfectant fogging.

Hire a professional to perform disinfectant fogging in your property following a violent crime.