Air Quality Express for Residential Air Duct Cleaning in Houston, TX

One of the most overlooked factors regarding personal health is the role that indoor air quality plays. Unbeknownst to many, toxic air particles combine with dirt, pollen, germs, and other allergens and lodge inside your HVAC system and air ducts. These afford the perfect environment for bacteria, mold, pollen, and fungus, to multiply unchecked. Each time the HVAC unit is turned on, these irritants and toxins are redistributed into the home’s breathing space. If inhaled into the lungs, these toxins and allergens can cause respiratory complications. These include coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, running nose, sore throat, and even chronic headaches. Unfortunately, many people associate these symptoms with the “flu season” when the real culprit is often dirty air ducts.

Why air duct cleaning

If you are suffering from incessant allergy symptoms, it could be because of dirty air ducts. The longer you wait to clean your air ducts and HVAC, the greater your chances of becoming ill from the airborne allergens and contaminants that are present throughout your indoor breathing space. In other words, dirty air ducts make you highly susceptible to potentially dangerous microorganisms, bacteria, mold, and mildew that are lurking inside your ductwork.

Negative effects of dirty air ducts

Dirty air ducts can cause a myriad of health problems. Health experts have linked irritants and pollutants in the air duct to allergic symptoms such as runny nose, coughing, sneezing, chronic fatigue, watery eyes, and even sore throats. Other complications include migraines, asthma, and even heart conditions. This is why it is critical to ensure that your air ducts are regularly cleaned by a professional and licensed air duct cleaner.

Licensed vs unlicensed air duct contractors

Cleaning your air ducts can restore your indoor air quality and resolve most of these issues. But you must be careful when hiring an air duct cleaner. That’s because you may inadvertently hire an unlicensed contractor. These usually take advantage of a crisis such as a weather calamity to approach homeowners who need assistance. These unlicensed vendors may charge uncharacteristically low prices in order to attract unsuspecting and desperate homeowners.  But in the long run, the homeowner may actually contend with higher costs due to the shoddy workmanship.

Quality Work

Air Quality Express has over 10 years of experience in air duct cleaning. Their commitment to excellence and the highest standards of professionalism can be seen in over 200 5-star reviews from satisfied customers. Using specialized tools, they remove all the buildup in the air ducts including all the contaminants hiding in unnoticed areas and clinging to your ducts.

Air Quality Express believes in doing a job the right way the first time. Our team consists of highly skilled and experienced technicians who are certified in all areas of air duct cleaning We have perfected the methods we use to deliver superior results and competitive pricing.

When your air ducts are cleaned regularly, professionally, you can breathe easy knowing that you and your loved ones aren’t inhaling harmful toxins or irritating allergens.

For professional air duct cleaning Houston, contact Air Quality Express.